4647 Melbourne Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm


Even those who maintain a slim, youthful physique may find themselves grappling with the presence of a double chin. The aging process often brings about the development of a double chin, turkey neck, or a less defined jawline, each to varying degrees.

A multitude of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, sun exposure, gravity, fluctuations in weight, and the natural aging process, contribute to the formation of a double chin or turkey neck.

The encouraging news is that we now reside in an era marked by significant advancements in aesthetic medicine, allowing for the non-surgical correction of cosmetic imperfections.

Thanks to the emergence of injectable fillers is now feasible to non-surgically target and dissolve the fat beneath the chin, while also providing a subtle tightening and lifting effect to the skin of the neck.

Only the most natural-looking and impressive results at BeyondSkin MedSpa in Los Feliz

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(323) 522 - 6313

BeyondSkin MedSpa

Book Today
4647 Melbourne Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Email: info@beyondskinmedspa.com
Phone: (323) 522 – 6313
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm